Eco Church 


SRMC takes its responsibility for the environment very seriously. 

Eco considerations impact all areas of church life and we monitor our performance and improvements by our membership of the A Rocha Eco Church Scheme.
Eco Church is an ecumenical scheme which assesses environmental performance across a number of areas of Church life:

  • Worship and Teaching 
  • Building
  • Land and Gardens
  • Community 
  • Lifestyle

Depending on performance a Bronze, Silver or Gold rating is awarded.
Since achieving a Bronze Award in February 2020 further improvements have been made in  all areas. Here are some examples:

  • Climate Sunday and Eco Church services are held at least annually and prior to COP 26  we held a prayer vigil and attended demonstrations and prayer walks
  • The redevelopment of the building in 2020 saw the installation of more efficient heating and lighting.
  • An area of the garden has been set aside for re-wilding and more pollinator friendly planting completed
  • A weekly  ‘rescued food’ market  and a pay as you feel café was set up in 2021 to save waste food from landfill.

We share ideas, tips and support and encourage each other to live responsibly via our WhatsApp group and newsletter. 

We were delighted to receive a Silver Award in May 2022 and look forward to further improvements as we ‘Go for Gold”
Daffodil bank in the church grounds.


17 Mar 10:30 – 11:30
24 Mar 10:30 – 11:30
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