As we seek to carry out God's mission in this place, SRMC works in partnership with a number of other local and regional organisations.
The church is part of the South-West Tyneside Circuit of the Methodist Church, a family of churches serving western Gateshead and surrounding communities. In turn, the South-West Tyneside Circuit is part of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne District which is one of the Districts of the Methodist Church.
Local Churches
Our neighbours include St Barnabas' Church and St Joseph's Church and the three churches collaborate when they can, including to run a summer holiday club for local children and drop-ins for Syrian and Ukrainian refugees. The drop in for Ukrainians is not currently running as they are now integrating into other things.
Community Hub
SRMC works to provide a weekly ‘rescued food’ Market every Monday from 10.30 to 11.30am.
A team of drivers bring surplus food to the church hall where it is checked, sorted and displayed. Visitors can help themselves to a large bag of groceries for a £3.00 charge.
The range varies week to week with all sorts of goodies from basics, such as potatoes, pasta and flour to cakes, chocolates, and ready meals. Fresh process often includes exotic items such a mangoes and pineapples .
Visitors to the market often make use of the café or Citizens Advice which also operates from the Church on a Monday
Citizens Advice

SRMC hosts a Citizens Advice drop in service every Monday from 9am to 1.00pm
A fully trained and qualified advisor is on site to give free impartial and confidential advice
No appointment is necessary just call in for advice and information on a wide range of issues such as Benefits, Debt, Housing etc.
If the advisor is not available immediately you can visit the pay as you feel café while you wait.
Warm Spaces

There is more information about the Community football
on this page which we run in conjunction with our neighbour churches.