
Following the decision at our June Church Council meeting that we would no longer pass the plate around for collection of our weekly offerings, there have been further considerations about how practically the decision would be implemented, in order to allow those members and friends who wish to continue giving by cash to do so.

The Church Council fully acknowledged that monetary giving is essential for the wellbeing of our church and that there are several ways in which we can each give our offerings or donations: we can choose to give by Standing Order direct into the church’s bank account; by card machine; by envelope or giving by cash. All of these options will continue. However, giving by envelope or by way of cash will change slightly. There will be no offering plate passed around or left on a table at any service. However, there will be an Offering and Donation box in the Link area and the box will be fixed on the wall between the two entrance doors to the worship area.

The change will be effective from Sunday 1st October.

Any and all gifts and donations will be acknowledged and dedicated as usual, during the act of worship.

If you have any questions about the change then please speak with one of our
Stewards who will be able to assist.

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